Parish News
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13th Annual Fr. Kolbe Charities Golf Tournament, April 14, 2025
Fr. Kolbe Charities, Inc., and Knights of Columbus Council 9599 are looking for golfers; men, women, and youngsters to raise funds for charities such as Our Center, Orange County Chapter charities, Catholic charities, Mercy House, Mary’s Shelter, Life centers, CHOC hospital, My Day Counts, Boys and Girls clubs, and other local causes and supporting new charities and helping with crisis situations as the Ukraine situation and the Los Angeles fires of 2025. All profits go to charities….
Masses from Polish Center on-line
On-line offering for the Polish Center is possible on page Donations (here).
To view Sunday Mass or other recorded Masses from the Polish Center CLICK HERE.
Eucharistic Adoration
On the first Friday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The diocesan intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration after 8:30 a.m. Mass on First Friday until 10am and from 5pm – 9pm. For more information, please contact the Office.
Recycling Program
The Knights of Columbus Council 9599 will have their recycling drive every second weekend of the month before and after all the Masses.
2025 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)
In 2025 Polish Center goal is $36,000
31 families, individuals and organizations pledged $9,388
Paid in $8,803
Please make your donation using the link below (or type: and choose “Pope John Paul II Polish Center” from the list in the second step of the process in order to properly allocate the donation to our Center.
Deacon Jim Merle’s Blog
Deacon Jim Merle invites all to join a weekly journey on the road of Emmaus to reveal how to have an intimate relationship with God in our minds, hearts and soul. To do this please access the blog at: by subscribing as follows: In the top right hand corner under “Follow by Email”, enter your email address to subscribe. You will receive a weekly email by Friday morning, with a link to read the newest post.
Diocese of Orange, Office of Child and Youth Protection
Visit our webpage at: